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Friday, 24 November 2017

Powerful revenge spells,Muthi for revenge

Powerful Revenge Spells cast a free revenge Spell. Choose this spell to punish someone until you or someone else is avenged for free.This is a very strong and powerful revenge spell. This spell will punish your enemy, and make him or her realize that what ever they have done to trouble you Information presented here is sure to be useful for all people who have ever wondered how to cast a revenge spell on someone by themselves.I light thee with only hate in my heart. Only with revenge in mind. I give thee light to aid my rage into the direction of he/she I hate.Want to take revenge on someone without them knowing who it was, or without being caught. That is what revenge spells are for.Cast Free Powerful Revenge Spells, Curses and Hexes on enemies. Easy Revenge Spells and Curses that work.Basically these spells are modified versions of Bad Luck Spells which are focused on one specific person. They carry all the concequences of bad luck spells as well, meaning when cast wrongly they will curse you for quite some time.The Powerful Revenge Curse is for anyone who wants to get revenge against someone who has darkness in their heart.I don't believe that casting a revenge spell is ever a wise course of action. First I'm going to tell you why, and then I'll give you 3 alternatives to revenge spells that can help with almost any situation where someone is intentionally trying to do you harm.This muthi is for you who have been hurt in the name of love, who feels you deserved more in your relationship,This powerful and strong muthi to make someone love you is used to make a specific someone fall in love with you, have interest in you, and have desire for you.It is a powerful magic revenge spell that will terrify the person it is placed upon and cause them lack of sleep .Revenge curses spells to cause someone bad luck, revenge spells to punish .Curses are powerful muthi & witchcraft that can be cast to destry someone's life

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