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Thursday, 20 July 2017

What can my partner do to help me get pregnant faster?

Ensure your partner is following a healthy diet strong muthi which helps to support healthy sperm function. So seafood, green leafy vegetables, eggs, fruits and cereals all need to regularly feature in his diet.
It’s important that your partner does not allow his testicles to overheat. Wearing tight underpants, sitting in a hot bath or spa and wearing tight trousers will all have an effect on the numbers of sperm, which he is producing. The reason why the testicles are located where they are is because they need to be kept at a cooler temperature than the rest of his body. He may want to consider wearing boxer shorts rather than briefs if you’re really keen to get pregnant more quickly.
Suggest to your partner that he conserves his semen for sex. It takes time for sperm levels to build up again after ejaculation which is why having sex more than once a day isn’t thought to help boost the chances of conceiving.
Keep interested and share the responsibility. Some men see their role in the baby-making business as being over once the sex has finished. But keeping the romance alive and showing genuine concern and willingness to be involved makes a huge difference. http://www.marriagesolution.co.za

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